The Things They Don’t Tell You About Post-Pregnancy

Having a baby is beautiful and, quite honestly, a miracle. You just created an entire human with your body. But it is also exhausting and your body is probably unrecognizable. If you just had a baby or are about to give birth here are a few things to keep in mind post pregnancy.


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This may sound strange but you are going to have to remind yourself to eat. Taking care of a new little bundle of life is extremely time-consuming and it’s easy to forget about yourself amongst the burping and soothing. Have a few snacks lying around that you can easily reach if you get stuck under a sleeping baby. Also, try to keep a water bottle handy so you can stay hydrated, especially if you are breastfeeding. If mama isn’t fed she won’t be able to produce food for her baby.


What Messes With Sleep Patterns

Feeling like a total and complete emotional mess after giving birth is okay. Just remind yourself, “it’s not me it’s my hormones,” because honestly, that’s exactly what it is. Sitting on the couch and crying about absolutely nothing is totally normal in your position. Don’t feel ashamed. If you need to, grab your partner, mom or friend and just let it all out. They may not totally understand, but it will be good for you to talk about it instead of keeping it all bundled up inside.


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This is something that many women don’t talk about, but probably should. After you give birth you will bleed for weeks, not just days. At first, it will be a lot of blood to the point that you’ll either need enormous pads or an adult diaper. It’s normal and it’s healthy so don’t worry, just be prepared.


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People can shout all day long that breast is best, but that doesn’t change the fact that it isn’t a walk in the park. You may not produce enough milk to fill up your baby and that’s alright. You’re not failing as a mother. Formula is an amazing thing and it’s more important that your baby is healthy and fed than that they solely drink breast milk.

If your breasts are feeling swollen or are developing sores, you are not alone. Some women can pick up nursing with ease, but know that those people are few and far between. You are not alone in your pain. Ask other mommy friends what they did to soothe themselves. It’s not a weird question, it’s an honest one and they’ll be more than happy to help you out.


Sleep And Your Health

People will tell you to sleep when your baby sleeps, but sometimes your baby doesn’t sleep. They take 15-minute naps during the day and party all night which equals one tired mama. This is normal for them, but terribly exhausting for you. Most people love snuggling new babies so when someone says, “Let me know if you need any help,” you need to respond, “when would you like to come over and hold my baby?” This is your chance to catch a nap and maintain a little sanity.


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This is another thing that is rarely talked about except in jokes. After giving birth your muscles are spent. They just worked double time to push a child out of you and sometimes they just give up after that. Some women wet themselves more often than they’d ever like to admit. Sometimes your body just needs to get its strength back, but that isn’t always the case. If it’s been a few months after you’ve given birth and you’re still having a hard time holding it then you’ll want to speak with a specialist, like the ones at

Don’t beat yourself up. You just created life with your body. You are amazing and your baby is lucky to have you. Just remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby. Showering is important. Eating is important. You got this mama.

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