Is It Time for a New Roof? Here are the Signs

Is it time for you to get a new roof? If you’re asking this question chances are high that you’re seeing signs of wear and tear as well as damage on your roof.  

If you’re wondering whether or not you should consider installing a new roof, there are many signs that point to this as a route that you should take.

 Since it is such a hefty bill you need to be sure that this is your best option. Here’s a look at some of the major signs that your roof needs to be replaced immediately. 

The Age of the Roof

The age of your roof is something that you need to take into consideration. Roofs need to be replaced every 20 to 25 years in most cases and if your roof has done more than this, chances are that it is approaching its end and it’s time for you to consider replacing it. 

You should still think about replacing it even if it is in good condition. Chances are a roof inspection will reveal flaws that you may not be able to see with the naked eye, this is why it should always be a part of your plan, this way you will know how to proceed.

Curling and Missing Shingles

Shingles that are curling, missing or buckling are clear indications that your roof has reached the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced. Curling shingles can occur due to a large amount of weathering and even a lack of ventilation. 

This will cause them to lose shape and become ineffective. Missing shingles are an eyesore and cause jaws to drop when people look at your roof and not in a good way. The deteriorating roof can be quite a sight. If it’s damaging your home’s curb appeal then it’s definitely time to get roof installation.

Sagging Roof

This is a big one! If you notice your roof is sagging in any way then it means it is in danger of collapsing. A roof that collapses on furnishings or individuals can lead to some very dangerous situations. 

You need to address this issue immediately, ignoring it will lead to significant structural damage. Replacement should be a top priority so call in a professional for roof replacement as soon as you can.

Increased Energy Bills

A ‘Cool Roof’ Can Save You Money on Energy Costs

When your energy bill starts increasing you may not immediately pinpoint your roof as a culprit. There are so many other reasons why your energy bills can skyrocket and cause you to have to dig deeper into your pockets to pay the bill. 

However, the cost of your energy bill may be directly related to your roof not being insulated as effectively as it used to be. This can cause your heating and cooling system to have to work harder and burn more energy. 

Consider checking whether your roof is losing its ability to regulate temperature as this means it will need to be replaced.

Your roof is an essential part of your home and when it malfunctions things can get challenging fast.

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